Whip up Scrambled Eggs and Fresh Tomato Salad in just 10 minutes. Scrambled Eggs and Fresh Tomato Salad features creamy, Parmesan-dusted eggs and a very...
Skip the bacon in this Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon recipe. Salty, meaty smoked salmon works taste-bud magic atop creamy scrambled eggs. (Scrambled...
Put together this Overnight Bagel and Egg Casserole for a morning dish your whole family will love. Refrigerating this bagel and egg casserole overnight...
Break out the potatoes and the pizza pan to make our Hash Brown Pizza. Especially great if you're trying to stay away from gluten, this Hash Brown Pizza...
This Tomato Spinach and Feta Crustless Quiche is light, healthy with LOTS of flavor! Sautéed onions and garlic are tossed with baby spinach, tomatoes...
Discover a new way to make a morning time favorite. No flour? No problem! Flaxseed Pancakes substitute flour for ground flax for a delicious, flourless...
Get everything you'd want in Black Bean Huevos Rancheros: black beans, eggs, fresh cilantro, melted cheese...and more! Black Bean Huevos Rancheros is a...
Make a boring breakfast a little more special with these Crispy Parmesan Eggs. Use crusty Italian bread to soak up the runny yolks. Start your day with...
Make the popular Chilaquiles Rojos usually served at breakfast but are perfect for any meal of the day. You can add shredded chicken or just top it with...
Perfect to serve for dessert or brunch, this recipe for Hungarian-style crepes (palacsinta) has a sweet, lemony cottage cheese filling and a topping of...
Please the whole table when you serve our Savory Crepes with Spinach and Cheese. Three types of cheeses, cooked spinach and tasty tomato sauce makes this...
Classic sausage and egg casserole is a make-ahead overnight breakfast casserole that's hot, bubbly, cheesy and seriously delicious. It's perfect for holidays...
Add together three cheeses, bread and bacon and you've got a fantastic Three-Cheese Brunch Bake everyone will love. Make this Three-Cheese Brunch Bake...
Create a delicious brunch option-or dessert!-with these Jam and Cream Filled Crepes. If you're feeling sweet, add in some melted semi-sweet chocolate for...
Start your day off on a high note with our Pineapple-Coconut Pancake recipe. Three ingredients and five minutes are all it takes to prepare Pineapple-Coconut...
Learn how to make an all-purpose crepe batter! My Blender crepes are easy to make because it's as simple as tossing everything into the blender and blending...